epoetin alfa中文什么意思

发音:   用"epoetin alfa"造句
  • epoetin:    依泊亭; 重组人肾红细胞生成素,红细 ...
  • alfa:    A级; α字的代码; 阿尔法 意大利 ...
  • epoetin beta:    倍他依泊汀; 依泊丁
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  1. Patients received 20 , 000 iu of epoetin alfa subcutaneously every 2 wk for up to 27 wk , with dosage adjustments permitted after 4 wk of treatment
  2. This open - label , multicenter , single - arm study investigated the efficacy of administration of 20 , 000 iu of epoetin alfa once every 2 wk as initiation therapy in these patients
    这个标签公开,多中心,单一目的的试验观察在起始治疗阶段每两周注射1次重组人红细胞生成素20 , 000iu的效果。
  3. There are limited data suggesting that initiation of epoetin alfa at extended dosing intervals of every 2 , 3 , or 4 wk may be efficacious for treating anemia in patients who have chronic kidney disease and are not on dialysis ( ckd - nod )
    有限的资料显示:扩大初始的给药间隔时间到2 , 3 ,或者4周,对应用重组人红细胞生成素治疗慢性肾脏病未透析患者( ckd - nod )的贫血是有效的。


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  6. epoetin beta 什么意思
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